33-17, Q Sentral.

2A, Jalan Stesen Sentral 2, Kuala Lumpur Sentral,

50470 Federal Territory of Kuala Lumpur


Artificial intelligence (AI) is growing super fast, and it’s creating tons of cool job opportunities. Let’s dive into what these jobs are all about and what you need to know to get into this exciting field in 2024.

skilled female copywriter doing distance freelance job while browsing information on netbook

What Skills You Need and Where AI Fits In

Key Skills for AI Jobs

If you’re thinking about a career in AI, here are some skills you’ll need:

  • Data Stuff: Knowing how to organize and get data ready for AI programs.
  • Learning about Learning: Understanding deep learning and machine learning is super important.
  • AI Tools: You should be familiar with things like TensorFlow and PyTorch.
  • Math and Stats: You’ll need these for making complex AI algorithms.
  • AI Safety and Being Fair: It’s crucial to make AI that’s secure and doesn’t harm anyone.

AI in Different Workplaces

AI is popping up everywhere. Here’s a quick look:

  • Tech World: AI is used to make things like apps and devices smarter.
  • Money Business: In finance, AI helps with things like investment decisions.
  • Healthcare: AI can spot diseases early and make hospitals run better.
  • Shopping and Selling: AI helps stores manage stuff and spot trends.
  • Making Things: In manufacturing, AI predicts when machines will break.
  • Online Safety: AI helps find and stop cyber threats.
Skill text with keywords. Businessman building wooden blocks with skill concept.

Hot AI Jobs in 2024

Cool AI Roles

AI Product Manager

These folks lead the creation of AI products. They need to know all about AI and how to make stuff.

AI Research Scientist

They come up with new AI ideas and are super into computer science and math.

AI Ethics Expert

They make sure AI is used in a good way and doesn’t cause problems.

Cybersecurity Whiz with AI Skills

They use AI to protect against online threats.

Computer Vision Engineer

They work on making computers understand pictures and videos.

Data Scientist

These guys analyze data to help make big decisions using AI.

Machine Learning Engineer

They build and use machine learning models.

Natural Language Processing Engineer

They focus on making AI understand and use human language.

Robotics Engineer

They design software for robots, using AI to make robots smarter.

AI in Healthcare Pro

They mix AI know-how with medical stuff to help patients.

Wrapping Up

AI’s not just about robots and sci-fi movies. It’s a field with loads of different jobs and it’s changing all the time. Whether you’re into coding, math, or just think AI is cool, there’s probably something in AI for you. So, stay curious and keep learning – the future of AI jobs is super exciting!

Laptop screen with AI generating task

FAQs About AI Careers in 2024

1. What Should I Study to Work in AI?

To get into AI, focus on subjects like computer science, mathematics, and statistics. Courses in data science, machine learning, and even ethics can be super helpful. Don’t forget to work on your coding skills too!

2. Do I Need a Degree to Get an AI Job?

While a degree in fields like computer science or mathematics is often preferred, it’s not always a must. Many people get into AI through self-study, online courses, or bootcamps. Real-world projects and experience can also count a lot.

3. Are AI Jobs Well Paid?

Yes, generally AI jobs are well paid. Since it’s a field that’s in high demand and requires specialized skills, salaries are often above average. However, pay can vary depending on your specific role, experience, and where you work.

4. Can I Work in AI If I’m Not Good at Math?

Math is important, but it’s not everything. There are areas in AI, like project management or AI ethics, that don’t require heavy math skills. Also, tools and software are making AI more accessible, so don’t let math scare you away.

5. What’s the Best Way to Start Learning About AI?

A great way to start is by taking online courses or tutorials on AI basics. Participating in AI projects or hackathons can also give you practical experience. Following AI news, podcasts, and joining AI communities can help you stay updated and connected.

Sources TechTarget