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What’s Happening with AI and Fake News

So, there’s this new trick where people use computer programs (AI) to make fake pictures showing black people supporting Donald Trump. It’s a sneaky way to make it look like Trump has a lot of fans among African Americans. Even though Trump’s team isn’t directly doing this, it’s all part of a big plan to make him seem more popular with black voters than he really is.

Spotting the Fake Stuff

Here’s a crazy example: a radio host in Florida shared a picture made by AI that showed Trump with black supporters. But if you looked closely, you could tell it was fake because the people in the photo had really shiny skin and some were missing fingers! The person who made this admitted it wasn’t real, showing how some people are okay with making up stuff to support their views.

How Social Media Makes It Worse

These fake photos get around really fast on social media sites like Facebook, reaching millions of people. It’s tough for users to tell the difference between what’s real and what’s made by a computer, which can really mess with how people see things. For example, a joke account made a fake AI photo of Trump with black voters, and some people thought it was real, showing how easy it is to get fooled.

Why This Matters for Black Voters

The people making these fakes are trying to get black voters to not support Joe Biden by making it seem like some are okay with Trump. They’re especially trying to get young black men to switch sides because of Trump’s promises about the economy and immigration. There’s a big debate about whether it’s right to use fake images to try to change how people plan to vote.

The Big Picture

Finding these fake photos in important places like Georgia shows they could actually change the outcome of elections. If just a few black voters believe the fakes and change their minds, it could make a big difference. The fact that some people thought these fakes were real at first shows just how powerful and tricky social media can be.

This whole situation is a wake-up call about how new technologies like AI can be used in some pretty sketchy ways to try to influence elections. It’s important to stay sharp and question what we see online.

Servers processing data generated by AI

FAQs about AI Fakes in US Elections

1. What are AI-generated deepfakes?
AI-generated deepfakes are fake images or videos created using artificial intelligence technology. They’re made to look real, tricking people into believing they’re seeing genuine content when it’s actually fabricated.

2. How can I tell if an image is a deepfake?
Look for oddities like unnatural skin shine, missing body parts (like fingers), or inconsistencies in lighting and background. Deepfakes often have subtle flaws that give them away if you inspect them closely.

3. Why are fake images of black voters supporting Trump a big deal?
These fake images are a form of disinformation, aimed at misleading people about Trump’s popularity among black voters. They’re used to influence public perception and could potentially sway election outcomes by spreading false narratives.

4. What role does social media play in spreading these fake images?
Social media platforms are the main channels through which these fake images spread rapidly to millions of users. Their algorithms can amplify the reach of disinformation, making it harder for users to distinguish between what’s real and what’s fake.

5. What can I do to avoid being fooled by deepfakes?
Stay skeptical of sensational images or stories, especially those shared on social media. Check multiple reputable news sources before believing or sharing information. Educating yourself on the characteristics of deepfakes can also help you spot them more easily.

Sources BBC