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33-17, Q Sentral.
2A, Jalan Stesen Sentral 2, Kuala Lumpur Sentral,
50470 Federal Territory of Kuala Lumpur
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Discovering the World of A.I. Companions The Emergence of A.I. Companions Artificial intelligence is no longer just about tackling major issues like curing diseases or fighting climate change. A new trend is emerging where A.I. is being used to provide…
India is making big moves in the AI world, and these startups are leading the charge. Let’s check out the 10 most awesome AI startups from India! Avaamo: The Chatbot Genius Started in 2022, Avaamo is all about making smart…
Near Venice, a bus full of tourists had a terrible accident, leading to 21 deaths. Two of these were children. The bus went off a raised road, hit a barrier, and then caught fire. This all happened in Mestre, close…