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Alphabet and Meta Want to Use Hollywood Clips for AI Videos

How AI and Hollywood Might Work Together

Alphabet Inc. and Meta Platforms Inc. are talking with big Hollywood studios to get permission to use their movie and show clips in AI video-making tools. These tech companies believe that AI can help make realistic videos just from written descriptions, and they want to mix this new tech with classic movie-making.

Woman in a luxurious dress on a red carpet.

The Money Behind the Movie Clips

Both Alphabet and Meta are ready to pay a lot, even millions of dollars, to use these Hollywood clips in their projects. They think this will put them ahead in the race to make cool new AI content that could change how movies and shows are made.

What Studios Think About It

Some movie studios are interested and thinking about these deals, but others like Disney and Netflix are not into it. The different reactions show that some are excited about AI, while others are cautious about mixing AI with movie-making.

Bigger Picture: AI and Movies

What Other Tech Companies Are Doing

It’s not just Alphabet and Meta in this game. Other big tech companies, like OpenAI (which Microsoft supports), are also trying to work with Hollywood. This shows just how important AI is becoming in movies and entertainment.

The Good and Bad for Hollywood

Teaming up with tech giants could lead to cool new ways to make and think about movies, which could make more money for everyone. But, there’s also the worry about losing control over their own movies and what AI might do to the creative side of making movies.

What to Watch for Next

AI’s Role in Making Movies

As AI tech gets better, it’s going to be used more in making movies, leading to new ways to create and think about what we watch. This will likely lead to more money and new ideas in the movie industry.

How Important Are These Deals?

How these talks about using movie clips end up could lead the way for more deals between tech companies and Hollywood. This could really change how movies are made and how we get to watch them in the future.

Find out more about how big tech companies like Alphabet and Meta are talking with Hollywood to use movie clips for making AI-driven videos. Learn about the money involved, what the movie studios think, and what it might mean for the future of movies.

Girl with Hollywood make-up and hairdress looks in camera. Woman in gorgeous silver dress posing in

FAQ: Tech Giants and Hollywood AI Collaborations

1. Why are tech companies like Alphabet and Meta interested in licensing Hollywood content for AI?
Tech companies are looking to use Hollywood’s vast library of movies and TV shows to train and improve their AI video generation tools. By feeding these AI systems with high-quality content, they aim to create software that can generate realistic videos from text prompts. This not only showcases the potential of AI technology but also opens up new avenues for creative content generation, blending traditional filmmaking with modern technology.

2. What are the potential benefits for Hollywood studios in these partnerships?
By partnering with tech giants, Hollywood studios can tap into new technological advancements, potentially leading to innovative ways of producing and monetizing content. These collaborations might offer studios additional revenue streams through licensing deals and also enable them to stay at the forefront of technological innovations in the entertainment industry. Moreover, AI could offer new tools for creativity, such as generating complex visual effects, storylines, or even new characters based on existing content.

3. What are the concerns or risks for Hollywood studios in these AI collaborations?
One of the main concerns for Hollywood studios is the loss of control over their content. Allowing AI to manipulate or generate derivative works from original content could lead to issues around creative integrity and copyright. There’s also apprehension about how these AI tools might change the traditional roles within the film industry, potentially impacting jobs and the creative process. Studios must weigh these risks against the potential benefits as they decide how to engage with tech companies in this evolving landscape.

Sources Bloomberg