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Group of fund manager analyzing big data for future investment

AI Investment Mania: What’s Real and What’s Not?

Lately, we’ve been seeing a ton of hype around investing in artificial intelligence (AI). Startups like Mistral AI are raising crazy amounts of money even before they have a fully operational product. This trend is creating a buzz among investors but is also raising some eyebrows. In this piece, we’ll take a deep dive into the world of AI investment. We’ll try to understand the fuss about “generative” AI, discuss the risks, and help you figure out how to invest smartly in this booming market.

Crypto trade, investment and hand with coin in front of online trading screen data update. Fintech

Generative AI: What’s the Big Deal?

Generative AI is a super cool type of technology that can create fresh content like text, images, and a lot more. This technology is making investors dream about massive profits. For instance, AI models like ChatGPT, made by OpenAI, can write out pretty decent responses to prompts given by users. That’s pretty rad, right? So, it’s not surprising that a lot of venture capitalists are funneling their money into this emerging field. In fact, during the first half of 2023, they poured in a whopping $15.2 billion into generative AI companies worldwide.

Is the AI Investment Landscape Too Good to Be True?

While all this money pouring into AI might seem amazing, it’s also making some people uneasy. They’re wondering if this explosive growth can actually last. Some are even comparing it to the “dot-com” bubble in the late 90s, when internet startups were all the rage, but ultimately led to huge losses for investors. So, it’s super important to take a step back and evaluate AI investments carefully, checking things like a company’s earnings, how innovative their product is, and their expertise in the field.

Group of Business people using AI to help and analysis and research finance data. Artificial

Picking Real Value: The E-A-T Checklist

In the world of SEO (Search Engine Optimization), there are these guidelines known as E-A-T – Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness. They’re pretty important in determining how well a website ranks in search results. You can use these same guidelines when sizing up AI startups. Look for companies whose founders are real AI experts, especially in generative models. Having leaders who have experience working on big language models at famous tech companies like Meta or Google’s DeepMind is a huge plus.

Spotting the Real Deals from the Pretenders

As AI is becoming more and more important in tech, it’s essential to tell apart the real AI companies from the posers just using the “AI” label. Some startups might claim to be “AI” without actually doing much with AI. It’s crucial to find companies that are actually making use of real AI tech. Radical Ventures, an investment firm that specializes in AI, suggests that investors really dig deep into a company before investing in it, to avoid getting duped by overhyped startups.

Double exposure of businessman using digital tablet overlaid with cityscape and candlesticks

Why AI is a Big Deal in the Long Run

While investing in AI, it’s important to think about its long-term potential. AI can do so much more than just create text and images. It has the potential to revolutionize loads of industries, from software development to finding new medicines, and even predicting climate change. Savvy investors understand that AI will become a bigger part of our lives, bringing enormous economic value.

Moving Ahead: How to Invest in AI the Right Way

To avoid getting caught in an AI bubble, investors need to be careful and well-informed. While the buzz around AI is justified, it’s crucial to invest in companies with sustainable business models, solid expertise, and real growth potential. Like with any investment, having a balanced approach is key to being successful in the AI investment scene.

To sum it all up, the boom in AI investment is loaded with exciting opportunities and also potential risks. By following the E-A-T guidelines and doing a thorough check-up of a company, investors can make smarter decisions and find the true leaders in the AI industry. As technology keeps advancing, investing responsibly will help ensure a bright and prosperous future for the world of AI.

Group of fund manager analyzing big data for future investment

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is generative AI?
Generative AI is a type of technology that can create new and original content, like text and images. It’s got a lot of investors excited because of its potential to disrupt various industries.

2. What’s causing concern with the boom in AI investment?
The main concern is the sustainability of this rapid growth. Some people are worried that this might be a bubble, similar to the “dot-com” bubble of the late 90s, and that it might burst leading to significant losses for investors.

3. What are the E-A-T guidelines?
E-A-T stands for Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness. These guidelines, initially used in SEO, can be applied to evaluate AI startups. They suggest that investors should look for companies led by people with actual expertise in the AI field.

4. How can I differentiate genuine AI companies from those just using the “AI” tag?
To distinguish between genuine AI companies and those just capitalizing on the “AI” hype, it’s crucial to do your homework. Make sure the companies you invest in have real AI capabilities and aren’t just using the term loosely.

5. What is the long-term potential of AI?
AI is expected to revolutionize a wide range of industries, from software development to drug discovery and climate change modeling. It’s likely to become an integral part of our daily lives, providing significant economic value.

6. How should I approach AI investment?
It’s important to exercise caution and be well-informed. Look for companies with sustainable business models, solid expertise, and real growth potential. Make sure you take a balanced and measured approach, just as you would with any other investment.

Sources CNN Business